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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Asturias - Day 2

On Sunday, we packed up from our hotel and made our way up the coastal highway. The night before upon playing cards at the hotel, I discovered a book all about Asturias for travelers and upon opening it, found a beautiful beach that was quite close. Before leaving, we took a picture of a very typical Asturian building that was used to hold food and keep it away from animals and rats, so they built it on stilts as you can see in the first picture. We headed to Torimbia Beach and found an amazing view. To see some of the panoramic shots, go to Izzy's blog and she will have them posted soon. The water was bright blue and even green in some places and the cliffs were tall and green from all of the plants and trees. We stayed up there for a good hour taking pictures and just soaking in the fresh, salt air and the amazing view of the mountains right along the beach. From there, we made our way towards a small town called Ribedesella, another coastal beach town. There we found some of Spain's infamous caves, some of which date back to pre Roman times. Unfortunately, the big cave with the many pre-Roman drawings was closed until April so we just took the tour through the free smaller cave but it was nice to look at. We weren't allowed to take pictures of the cave. Afterwards, we headed south to the capital of Asturias, Oviedo. There we found a nice, laid back atmosphere and with the beautiful weather, the people were out and walking around and just enjoying life. We ate at a local spot and had some good food. From Oviedo, we decided to head to León on our way back to Madrid because León is famous for its cathedral and a building that Gaudí built there. Suddenly on Sunday evening, the great weekend took a turn for the worst. Our friend's car stalled and this caused a problem with the electrical system of the car. We had to call a tow truck to come get her car. When he assessed that the car should not be driven back to Madrid, he offered to take us to the train station but we had to hurry so Iz and I had to ride in the car on top of the bed of the tow truck all the way to train station. That was interesting to say the least and humorous to the people walking around who saw us up there trying to hide. We arrived with plenty of time but the only train to Madrid with room for us was at 3:20 a.m. Finally, we found a rental car and after a 3 hour delay, we made our way back to Madrid only to find out 2 days later that her car was perfectly fine when it arrived to the tow truck's place. It was a great weekend and again, we thank Bebo and Gary for making it possible.


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